Empress Piru: normalize yourself

‘all man panel’ opens with a solitary guitar that initially sounds Spanish before the rest of the band come in and things take on a Persian flavour. The incredible sound is in part thanks to Empress Piru having two bassists, and puts in mind the likes of Kourosh Yaghmaei, Faramarz Aslani and Omar Khorshid; a vibe of the latter in particular permeating the album despite each track having a distinct character. The picture painted is one of night, heat and sand; real fires for light and the shadows they cast dancing large across the side of tents a cat moves stealthily next to. Continue reading

Goth Clubs

So it seems I never got over the time many years ago when Jarboe came to play Toronto (cue mega excitement), only for it to transpire to be in some highfalutin goth club with a dress code. This totally conflicted with my dress code of take me as I am or don’t take me at all, and left me with the dilemma of dress up or miss out. Continue reading