Hot Coals & High Mountains

A tale of the worst type of betrayal. 

Header image courtesy Connor Dugan (licensing).

Hot coals at his feet
Would not deter him
Nor the highest mountain
To climb
He had declared it
As an endeavour
Of a lifetime
And so she saw
They warmed by
The reddening black stones
Standing hand in hand
At the highest peak
A future to relish
The strong and secure
Destiny dreamed of

But in the face of that always wanted
Being within reach
Fear had her fall
At the first hill
On a mild afternoon
Pleasant and warm
It couldn’t be true
Was too good to be
And an overwhelming feeling
Of not being worth
Such deep devotion
Washed her away
To a beach familiar
Where dark gritty sand
Eroded all the good in it

Thanks for reading 🙂

N. P. Ryan

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